Do polygenic risk and stressful life events predict pharmacological treatment response in obsessive compulsive disorder? A gene-environment interaction approach

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Data de publicación
2019Título da revista
Translational psychiatry
Tipo de contido
genotipo | adulto joven | mediana edad | humanos | interacción gen-ambiente | adulto | herencia multifactorial | predisposición genética a la enfermedad | inhibidores de la captación de serotonina | adolescenteMeSH
Adult | Middle Aged | Humans | Young Adult | Multifactorial Inheritance | Adolescent | Gene-Environment Interaction | Serotonin Uptake Inhibitors | Genetic Predisposition to Disease | GenotypeResumo
The rate of response to pharmacological treatment in Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) oscillates between 40 and 70%. Genetic and environmental factors have been associated with treatment response in OCD. This study analyzes the predictive ability of a polygenic risk score (PRS) built from OCD-risk variants, for treatment response in OCD, and the modulation role of stressful life events (SLEs) at the onset of the disorder. PRSs were calculated for a sample of 103 patients. Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale (YBOCS) scores were obtained before and after a 12-week treatment. Regression analyses were performed to analyze the influence of the PRS and SLEs at onset on treatment response. PRS did not predict treatment response. The best predictive model for post-treatment YBOCS (post YBOCS) included basal YBOCS and age. PRS appeared as a predictor for basal and post YBOCS. SLEs at onset were not a predictor for treatment response when included in the regression model. No evidence for PRS predictive ability for treatment response was found. The best predictor for treatment response was age, agreeing with previous literature specific for SRI treatment. Suggestions are made on the possible role of neuroplasticity as a mediator on this association. PRS significantly predicted OCD severity independent on pharmacological treatment. SLE at onset modulation role was not evidenced. Further research is needed to elucidate the genetic and environmental bases of treatment response in OCD.