Pathogen Inactivation of Platelet Concentrates Produced by the Reveos (R) Automated Blood Processing System

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2014Título de revista
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recuento de células sanguíneas | transfusión de componentes sanguíneos | plaquetasMeSH
Blood Cell Count | Blood Component Transfusion | Blood PlateletsResumen
Background/Case Studies:The Reveos System (Terumo BCT) is an auto-mated whole-blood (WB) processing system that separates WB into itscomponents. One processed WB unit delivers one red cell concentrate(RCC) that is subsequently leukoreduced by filtration, one unit ofleukoreduced plasma, an interim platelet unit (IPU), and a residual productcomposed mainly of leukocytes. In this study, we assessed the compatibilityof platelet concentrates composed by the pooling of 5 IPUs (PC-pool) to asubsequent photochemical treatment (Intercept®), which is in routine use inour centreStudy Design/Methods: Two hundred eighty (280) WB unitswere processed after overnight storage at 22°C by using the Reveos system.The average volume of the IPUs was approximately 30 mL. In order toproduce a PC-pool, 5 IPUs (ABO isogroup-matched) were pooled and fil-tered in a simple step without any additional centrifugation, by using aspecial set (Terumo BCT). Platelets were suspended in additive solution(AS) SSP+, in a ratio of 35:65 (Plasma : AS). Income product specificationsfor later photochemical treatment, such as volume, final content of platelets,and level of residual red blood cells, were controlled. PC-pools (N=11) weretreated with pathogen inactivation and stored for seven days on a flatbedshaker. Samples were taken for in vitro evaluation on days 2, 5, and 7.Results/Findings:The average volume and platelet content were, respec-tively, 354 mL and 3.3×1011/PC-pool on day 2 (post-treatment). Data forPC-pools are summarized in the Table. All PC-pools had very good swirl atthe end of storage. The pH, glucose, and lactate levels indicated goodaerobic metabolism until day 7. The activation markers and mean plateletvolume (MPV) confirmed the quality of the stored platelets.Conclusion:TheReveos system has proven to be a system with good adaptability to thelogistics requirements. It offers good-quality results, irrespective of operatorinfluence. Platelet pools prepared using the Reveos and treated with aphotochemical pathogen inactivation system were found to remain withinacceptable in vitro biochemical and quality parameters for seven days